Terms and conditions


https://unitedpartners.io represented by UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD is a company incorporated according to UK law with legal seat in Cumberland Lodge Cumberland Road, Cliftonville,
Margate,CT9 2JZ England.

The following general terms and conditions (the “Terms”) set forth the right and obligations of the business relationship between UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD (unitedpartners.io) and the user.

“Digital assets” refers to digital assets registered on a blockchain or another distributed and encryption-based ledger.

1.Scope of application

a.The terms govern the business relationship and apply to any agreement between the user and UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD (unitedpartners.io).

2.Representation and Legitimation

a.The service provided by UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD to the user (the “service”) is exclusively for the personal use. The user shall communicate in written form the authorized representatives or further persons authorized to act on behalf of the user.

b.The user shall store all business relationship information and documents carefully to prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing the service (e.g. keeping safe passwords or access codes).

c. The representatives are deemed to be entitled to act on behalf of the user until UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD receives a written renunciation. Information published in any commercial register or public announcement shall not be deemed to be such a notice.


a. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD is permitted to use at its discretion any communication methods. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD applies due care and takes customary measures to identify and prevent fraudulent activities.

b. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD will only provide support services via the official email address info@unitedpartners.io and the support section on the site through the ticket method. Support services are not provided to users with this method other than electronic mail address and ticket. Users will not be asked for a password in this support services.

4.Information Exchange

a. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD shall always be entitled to request additional documents or information of the user. In case of omission UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD has the right not to provide the service.

b. The user shall immediately inform UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD when any information and documentation provided to UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD has changed. This includes the personal details, place of residence, nationality, any 2 changes to representatives, the beneficial owner or controlling person and other relevant information.

c. In case of legal incapacity, death, or declaration of presumed death of the user, this shall be immediately communicated to UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD. Any loss or damage resulting from such occurrence and failure to inform UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD shall be borne by the User.

5.Service and Execution of instructions

a. In the absence of any specific agreement, the reference cryptocurrency shall be USDT.

b. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD reserves the right to restrict or cease the provision of the service to comply with applicable law or regulations, standards of self-regulation, contractual provisions, business or trade practices, internal rules, and policies and to ensure the performance according to the standards of due care.

c. The user may have only one account. The user may use the site solely to benefit from the services described in this contract. If the user determines multiple accounts of the same user UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD has the right to cancel or suspend a single account or to suspend all accounts of the user without prior notice, because UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD does not have any responsibility due to these transactions. All legal and criminal responsibility arising out of the provisions of this article shall be borne by the user.

d. Orders and instructions such as deposits and withdrawals are processed by UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD in a reasonable time. However, delays can always occur for various reasons, not limited to verifications processes, origin of funds clarifications, checking compliance with regulations or technical/operational reasons.

e. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD may limit, refuse or freeze any account the execution of orders or instructions or refuse to accept asset and funds any time in its discretion, in particular if its considers such measure to be required or beneficial for the protection of the user. Orders may not be executed if they are not fully funded.

6.Fees and Expenses

a. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD shall for the provision of the service charge fees, charges , interest, expenses, taxes commissions, or mark-ups agreed upon, applicable by law or customary financial service practice, and UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD is entitled to credit or debit them on the account of the user.

b. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD reserves the right to adjust and addend the fees and expenses at any time, including due to changes in market conditions or costs. Changes will be communicated to the user by appropriate means, including as set forth in section 3 of these terms.


a. Digital assets held in separated custody are stored in blockchain addresses that are uniquely and individually assigned to every single user.

b. Digital assets in collective custody are stored in blockchain addresses that hold assets for more than one user. In the event of bankruptcy, the digital assets are not separable.

8.Risk Disclosure and Information

a. The user fully acknowledges and accepts the risk inherent with using the service. Investing in digital assets contains various specific risks which may differ from those applicable to traditional markets and assets. The user is aware that the investment may result in a total loss.

b. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD applies customary care in taking measures to address the risk within control. The user shall bear loss or damages resulting from the realization of risks outside the control of UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD or that cannot be attributed to any non-compliance of UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD with its duties of care.

c. The user fully acknowledges its liability for the loss resulting from an investment through UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD and engagement in digital assets. All related liability of UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD is excluded for anything but intend and gross negligence to the extent legally permissible. The user confirms to be informed and have understood the risk of an investment in digital assets and to be willing and able to take these risks.

d. When sending digital assets to blockchain addresses of UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD, the user shall only use those blockchain addresses that UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD has provided to the user for this purpose. If the user transfers digital assets to not provided blockchain addresses, there is a risk that the digital assets cannot be attributed to the user. In this case the risk of loss of digital assets is borne by the user and there is no claim to allocation of the digital assets.

9.Outsourcing and Confidentiality

a. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD has the right to outsource business areas and services to group companies or third parties in- or outside of United Kingdom. The user explicitly accepts that the data can be processed and sent to said parties in relation hereto. The user further accepts that said parties may transfer its data to further outsourcing providers. All provided data shall be kept confidential by the data processing parties.

b. The user releases UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD, its group companies, employees, and agents from applicable duties of confidentiality, secrecy or data privacy to the extent permitted under applicable law:

c. To enable UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD to exchange user data with affiliates, branches, and representatives of UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD in or outside of United Kingdom of business purposes.

d. For the purpose of outsourcing including the disclosure of user data to third party service providers or affiliates in- or outside of United Kingdom.

10.Compliance with laws

a. The user confirms to comply with applicable legal laws and regulations as applicable to the user and the beneficial owner, including tax, anti-money laundering and data protection legislation. The user shall further procure that the representatives act in a compliant manner as well.

b. The user shall indemnify and hold harmless UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD from and against all actions, damages, claims, obligations, liabilities, or expenses arising in connection with the business relationship, including but not limited to payment of all costs and expenses (e.g. lawyers fee) incurred on a full indemnity basis.

11.Liability of UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD and Disclaimer

a. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD offers the service with the customary duty of care.

b. Any liability of UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD for loss or damages suffered in the absence of any international or grossly negligent breach by UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD of its duty of care is excludes to the extent legally permissible. In the event of loss or damages due to such a breach by UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD, UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD shall be liable only for direct losses caused with intend or gross negligence. Any liability of UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD for indirect or consequential losses (including loss of profit) is excluded.

c. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD is not liable for any loss or damage due to events or the materialization of risk outside its control nor for loss or damages cause by the user, due to any failure on the part of the user to take measures to avoid or mitigate any damage or loss.

d. The service may be unavailable for any reason including routine maintenance. The user acknowledges that due to circumstances both within and outside of the control of UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD, the use of the service may be interrupted, suspended, or terminated. The user agrees that UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD shall not be liable for damages or loss arising from any such interruption, suspension, or termination.

e. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD is not liable for loss or damages resulting from delayed or non-executed processing of order or instructions, from transfers of digital assets to unnotified blockchain addresses or from delayed or non-executed deposits or withdrawal due to the proof-pf-ownership process.

12.Term an Termination

a. The terms are applicable starting from the date indicated on the title page. By application, the terms replace the existing ones. The business relationship is entered into for an indefinite period.

b. The business relationship may be terminated in written form at any time with immediate effects by both parties. Any outstanding fees, costs, and expenses incurred by UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD up to the termination shall become due and playable immediately.

13.Applicable law and Jurisdiction

a. All legal relations between the user and UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD, including the business relationship are exclusively with the exclusion of the conflict of law principles governed by the laws of United Kingdom.

b. The place of performance and debt collection for the user domiciled or residing abroad, and the exclusive place of jurisdiction for any disputes arising in connection with the legal relations between the user and UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD, including the business relationship, in the city of Margate, United Kingdom.

c. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD reserves the right to take legal action at the place of domicile of the user or before any other competent court or authority.


a. UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD reserves the right to change the terms including the privacy police at any time. Any amendment must be in written form to be valid and will be published through any communication methods of UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD.


a. This contract is valid when it is announced by UNITED FINTECH SOLUTIONS LTD on the site.

b. The user accepts, declares, and undertakes that he / she has read and understood all the articles of this agreement separately. The user confirms the whole content and all provisions of the contract. The user who does not accept this agreement must not be a member of the site and should not use the services of the site.